Regular Meeting – February 4, 2014


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Arden Potter at 16:00.  Members present: Mike Williams, Larry Helsley and George Owen. Members absent: Bill Britton.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina, Ernie Curran and Jim Underwood.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2014 –

B.     Approve Special Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2014 -

C.    Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

MSC: Williams/Owen to approve consent agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.        Discuss/Approve – Policy #3004.1 Helicopter Memberships. – Chief Scott Alvord mentioned some of the additions to the policy, and the requirements to meet the qualifications.  

            MSC: Williams/Owen to approve Policy #3004.1 Helicopter Memberships as presented.

B.         Discuss/Approve – Policy #3002.2 Expenditures over $5,000.00 (tabled from January 7, 2014 meeting) – Jim Underwood had reviewed the policy and stated there were no legal issues as presented.

MSC: Helsley/Owen to approve Policy #3002.2 Expenditures over $5,000.00 as presented.

C.        Discuss/Approve – The purchase of a washing machine for Station One – Chief Scott Alvord stated that the washing machine had broken down and was beyond repair.  Discussion on cost.

MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve the purchase of a washing machine for Station One with the cost not exceeding $850.00.  

D.        Presentation (First Reading) of Ordinance 14-01, Adoption of California Fire Code 2013 – Chief Scott Alvord briefly went over the process involved for the adoption of the California Fire Code.  He went over the changes made for this Ordinance.  Discussion on posting the code on the website once it is adopted for the public to look up anytime.  Short discussion on cost recovery in other Districts.

No Action Taken, for Review Only.



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord stated that the program is up and running, with a list of people requesting services. 


B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        Power point on ISO – Remained at a 4 and 4-8

·        CHYBA – have 2 workers from this program, possibly getting 2 more

·        Hazard Reduction up and running – checked out Timber Ridge area to work on

·        Inspections at the Jail and Juvenile Det. Center

·        Structure fire on January 23

·        Career day for 8th graders at WES

·        Fire Safe Council meeting

·        Survey results from the Department – areas to improve on

·        High School Safety Committee participation

·        2131 rubber under tank fixed

·        Service on Engines completed

·        Eric Palmer is the new OES coordinator for Trinity County


C.    Sleeper Program Reports: Ernie Curran reported working on dismantling the bus out back.  There has been a lot help around the station lately with CHYBA program and community service program.


D.    Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: No report.

·        Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis

·        Contract Committee: No report.

·        Tuition Committee: No Report

·        Budget Committee: No Report.

E.     Director Reports: Helsley – discussion on the helicopter insurance program Reach reconstructing.  Williams – discussion on mutual aid and keeping some members behind to protect our own community.  Owen – discussion on engine bid from January – engine went for more than we could bid on.                                           


         V.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


       VI.               CORRESPONDENCE: Clerk spoke of the Form 700 given to all Board of Directors, needs to be filled out and turned in by February 27.  Short discussion on mandatory ethics training – Lisa to provide a web site for the directors to do at their own pace and on their own time.   


     VII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:15 hours.



__________________________                                   __________________________

    Arden Potter, Chairman                                           Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board